Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 12:53 PM
Lost Or Stolen Equipment
Equipment that is determined to be Lost or Stolen must be reported to Property Control immediately.
Lost Equipment
If equipment is determined to be lost, an “Equipment Deletion Request” form must be filled out and submitted to Property Control. Before requesting approval to remove the equipment from inventory, Property Control will call the department and verify that the equipment is still missing. Once the verification is complete, Property Control will prepare the necessary forms and submit the paperwork to the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) for approval to delete the equipment from inventory. The lost equipment will be removed from the department’s inventory after approval is received from CMS.
Stolen Equipment
If equipment has been stolen, please notify Department of Public Safety immediately. All stolen equipment, regardless of the value, should be reported.
An “Equipment Deletion Request” form must be filled out and submitted to Property Control. Please include a copy of the police report received from the Department of Public Safety.
Property Control will prepare the necessary forms and submit the paperwork to the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) for approval to delete the equipment from inventory. The stolen equipment will be removed from the department’s inventory after approval is received from CMS.
*** If you have any questions please email for assistance. ***Cannibalization Of Equipment
Cannibalization refers to the removal of parts from one piece of equipment to be used to repair or facilitate another piece of equipment. Approval must be obtained from the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) BEFORE a piece of equipment is cannibalized. Computers and other devices that have memory may no longer be cannibalized.
In order to obtain permission to cannibalize non-computer equipment, the department must fill out an “Equipment Deletion Request” form and indicate “Cannibalization”. This form is submitted to Property Control. Property Control will prepare the necessary paperwork and submit the forms to CMS for approval. Once approval is granted and the paperwork is received back from CMS, a copy of the approval will be sent to the department requesting cannibalization. The cannibalized equipment is then removed from the department’s inventory records.
*** If you have any questions please email for assistance. ***
Equipment To Scrap On Site
This procedure is reserved for special circumstances only and is not to be used without obtaining approval from Property Control.
*** If you have any questions please email for assistance. ***Equipment Trade-In
When a department wishes to trade-in current equipment for the purchase of new equipment, permission must first be obtained from the Department of Central Management Services (CMS). The Property Control department is responsible for obtaining permission prior to the purchase being made.
The first step of this process is to submit an “Equipment Deletion Request” form to Property Control. The equipment to be traded-in is listed on this form. A copy of this form is also submitted to Procurement Services along with the purchase requisition. After a vendor is selected and the trade-in value is known, Procurement Services forwards a copy of the Purchase Order to Property Control.
Property Control prepares the necessary paperwork and sends the information to CMS for approval. Once approval is granted and the paperwork is received from CMS, a copy of the approval is forwarded to Procurement Services and to the department buying the new equipment. The old equipment is removed from your inventory records when the purchase order for the new equipment, showing the trade-in information, has been paid.
In some instances, vendors who extend a trade-in allowance on the purchase of new equipment fail to pick up and remove the old equipment. In such cases, an “Equipment Transfer to Surplus Property” form is necessary to have the old equipment physically removed from your area.
*** If you have any questions please email for assistance. ***Miscellaneous Deletions
Replacement By Vendor
Sometimes a vendor will replace a defective unit instead of repairing it. If SIU tagged equipment is replaced by the vendor, please notify Property Control, and they will issue a new tag number for the replacement item. A member of our tagging staff will come to your department to affix the tag to the new equipment and record model numbers, serial numbers, and the location of the equipment. The original item will be removed from your inventory listing.
Sale Of Equipment
All equipment owned by SIU is property of the State of Illinois. Central Management Services (CMS), a department of the State of Illinois, must approve the sale of any state property. All proceeds from sales of state property are required to be deposited to State Surplus Property Revolving Fund except under special circumstances in which CMS may grant an exemption.
Transfer Of Equipment To Outside Agency
The University must have written approval from Central Management Services (CMS), a department of the State of Illinois, before any equipment may be removed from SIU. Contact Property Control to obtain the procedures and necessary forms.
The equipment may not be transferred until written approval is received from CMS. Transfer of equipment without this approval is a violation of state regulations.